Thank you for writing this! I read a number of PM blogs and this probably the most practical piece of advice I've seen in 2021. I am currently serving as the Head of Product, Engineering Manager, and sole QA-tester so I will never tire of practical suggestions.

I do all of this except for having the reporter pick a priority upon submission. Across my 10 years as a PM, I've always worked at companies where "ONLY PMS CAN TOUCH THE PRIORITY FIELD!!!" Asking the reporter to think about, and articulate a priority is so clever as a conversation starter! I'm eager to introduce that step to my company and see where it takes us.

I look forward to reading through your other posts as well as future ones!

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πŸ’—πŸ’— Although, I feel for your running Product, EM, AND QA. That calls for a raise, a toast at a minimum Krystle 🍻

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